Rain, Whole Foods, NCIS, and a Roast

Monday, April 7, 2008

Before I write down every detail about our weekend, I have to ask if all who read this will say a special prayer for Keith's dad. He and 11 other men are currently doing strenuous mission work in Nicaruaga. There is actually some airport strikes and governmental issues stirring in this country right now, and we are PRAYING for safety and PRAYING AGAINST any sickness or international problems.

Well...I had big plans for this weekend (a picnic somewhere peaceful), but the weather had another idea. You see...I worked extra hard this week to have the house completely clean so we would have Saturday free to enjoy the warm weather, and instead we spent the day inside watching old chick flicks(which Keith actually enjoyed). By lunch time I had already watched "The Perfect Man", "The Wedding Planner", and half of "The Prince and Me". Although the day was pretty much a bust, we did enjoy a new resteraunt that night...Fire and Ice. The resteraunt or "improvisational grill" basically consited of a massive buffet of all kinds of vegetables, pastas, meats, and sauces. We were given a small bowl to fill with whatever we wanted, and then we took our bowls to this grill in the center of the resteraunt to watch the chef's cook our food. It was a great experience, but it required a lot of thinking (for me at least.) Keith had no trouble with the idea of creating his own meal. He went right to it, while I gazed at the wide array of food for about 15 minutes before I could decide what would taste good together. In fact he actually fixed enough meals to feed a small country. By the end of the meal, Keith was actually trying to find places to hide is uneaten food. All in all, it was a lot of fun!

After the meal, we were on a mission to find fresh flowers for our house. I was cooking dinner for Keith's mom on Sunday, and I NEEDED fresh flowers for my table. We ended up in Whole Foods (my most favorite store). I HATE grocery shopping...with a Passion, but Whole Foods is not your ordinary grocery store. I am by no means a "health freak", but I do like to buy things that I know are not treated with hormones and "extra things", so Whole Foods is definitely the place to shop. We entered the store and I was greeted by a huge display of fresh flowers. My mission was complete, but it was impossible to leave without looking around. We ended up buying some much needed items off of our grocery list The trip was a definite success, and a very nice break from the Walmart Super Center!

I know it seems like we had a very full Saturday evening, but sadly enough we were actually home by 8:30...it's pitiful that we are already an old married couple. One thing that Keith and I love to do together is watch seasons of television shows. Last month we watched all four season of "The Office". Saturday night we started the first season of NCIS. It is another CSI/Cold Case type show...which we love. Our goal will be to basically finish the season as fast as we can...we are already 6 in! I know...I know...our life seems incredibly boring, but I LOVE IT!

Lastly, I must tell everyone of my major accomplishment. When I was a little girl, we ALWAYS had a roast on Sunday. You know the kind with the potatoes and carrots! Well I did some major grocery shopping on Friday, and I had the idea that I was going to cook my first "Sunday Roast." Well, I must say that I was incredibly nervous because we also invited Keith's mom over for dinner (Please keep his dad in your prayers-he is on a mission trip to Nicaruaga right now.)So this was a very important Roast! Months and months of the sarcastic Varden jokes relied on this roast. I began cooking late Saturday night...after 3 episode of NCIS. I lost a good nights sleep because of this roast! Finally I woke up early Sunday morning and low and behold it actually tasted good! It was a success...I managed to cook a tender, descent tasting roast that Keith actually ate! I was so proud!

That pretty much sums up our wonderful weekend. My plans were ruined but it was perfect! Well I pray that all of you have a blessed week.



Beans Views On ... said...

So you are cooking roasts on sunday? Dare i call you mawmaw? You should have us over on a sunday for a fancy roast with carrots and potatoes. What are your plans on sunday? trying to get mom and dad to go to church with us then maybe we could all meet up for some food after church? let me know what ya think. Love ya both. Peace. your big bro!